Thursday, September 25, 2008

Assignment 3 - U C What I C

photo 1

photo 2

photo 3

photo 4 photo 5
photo 6

photo 7

photo 8

The story is quite straightforward in my opinion! I'll go through my concept photo by photo;

1. Introduction of first character who is on the phone. Shows she has her purse on the table as well, which makes it consistent with the ending. However, so as not to make the climax/ending so obvious, I have other elements/objects in the photo so that not too much attention is paid to the purse, for example, the umbrella and character talking on the phone.

2. Introduction of 2nd character in background, and shows 1st character walking off.

Guy is seen looking at her from a side glance, which makes it seem slightly suspicious, especially since the girl can't see him. He is purposely seated in the background, where it is more shadowy, enhancing the "suspicious effect".

1st character when walking off, is blocking her purse, so audience are not led to knowing she has left her purse behind.

3. Girl seen walking up stairs.

4. Guy following her, and she still doesn't notice him.

5. Girl becomes suspicious, and turns back to look around.

I've purposely chosen a spacious setting and put her more towards the left 1/3 of the photo, so that it enhances her "aloneness" and the "danger" of the situation she is in.

6. Guy taps her shoulder.

7. She turns and wants to whack him with the umbrella. Introduces the purse, but not too obvious.

8. Revelation! With focus on the purse as it is a bright pink, and is put in the foreground.

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