Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Assignment 2 - Needful Things

Washing Machine

I've decided to work on abstracting a washing machine, to represent the laundry rooms in Halls of Residences in NUS. So firstly, cos' my digital camera is down, I took a washing machine most similar to the one I use in Sheares Hall from the Internet.

1. Photo

2. First Degree of Abstraction
I drew the washing machine using Adobe Photoshop with line/pen/shape tools. I kept it 3D, and added an abstract picture of a t-shirt representing clothing, and kept the bare details of the machine like the buttons and the brand name.

2. 2nd Degree of Abstraction
I removed the shades of colors and added a line to represent laundry, instead of just clothings. I reduced the number of details (e.g lesser knobs/buttons and the removable box on the bottom left of the machine) as well.
3. 3rd Degree of Abstraction
In this degree of abstraction, I removed even more details such as the double circle as I felt it was unneccessary. The brand was also not essential to understanding the pictogram.

4. 4th Degree of Abstraction
I decided to make the washing machine 2D so it looks less complicated.

5. 5th Degree of Abstraction
I removed the laundry and left the basic structure of the machine in this degree of abstaction. It however looks too simple and could be anything; not necessarily a washing machine.

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