Monday, September 1, 2008

Assignment 1 - Me Myself and I

Firstly, I've to declare that I can't draw very well, so it is no wonder that I found myself stumped at lecture last week when we were told to sketch/draw thumbnails for our very first assignment. Pardon my drawings if they look a little...juvenile?

Anyway these are my initial sketches - 4 for Love and 4 for Hate:

What I did to formulate these sketches was to come up with a "mind map" of sorts based on "What I Love" and "What I Hate", and I picked out Japanese food from Love and I could only think of creepy crawlies for Hate.

For Love, I really liked the first sketch because it was simple and it didn't look ltoo cartoony. The second sketch, I was working around individual japanese food to form my name, but it wasn't very interesting and looked like I was too lazy to think of anything better (haha). I quite like the third and fourth, but I think it might be kind of difficult to make my name look like part of the sushi/sashimi. If the colours and bolding are not done well, it might just seem like I was conveniently drawing my name into the shape of the object.

So, finally I picked the ones I fancied most (sketch 1 for Love and Sketch 2 for Hate) and used Photoshop to work on them. I used the pen tool to sketch out the outline. I had to manually draw/fill in a lot of lines because for my sketches, I used a HB pencil, which turned out too light and my scanner couldn't detect most of the outline. So now I know I should use a 2B pencil at least the next time I draw. Also, I used the paint bucket tool for the colours and magic wand to detect "color zones". The following are my prototypes for the assignment:

[upload Hate sketch]

One feedback I got from the tutorial was that I could add a mouth to show the "tastiness" of japanese food, but I've decided to do away with the suggestion because I tried sketching it out in my roughs and I just couldn't fit it in with the overall design, so I didn't want to add it in just for the sake of it. All in all, I'm pretty satisfied with my final piece :) hope it's all right!

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