Friday, October 24, 2008

Assignment 5 - Greeting Card: CHRISTMAS

This week we are supposed to be experimenting with colors while designing a christmas/new year's card. I've chosen to do christmas, because I love christmas! and I decided to have a theme for my card, which is something mushy/lovey.

Color schemes

Card cover

Inside Card

So, as seen, the idea is that on the outside, one will see that "Something's missing atop my christmas tree.." and I've purposely made an "empty glow" where the star is supposed to be to enhance the bareness of it. Also, the background I've chosen cooler colors; dull shades of grey/blue, and the tree isn't colored, so everything looks a little duller.

In contrast, the inside I've made it slightly more colorful because I've found my "star", i.e. "YOU!" (so mushy, i know).
Comments I got in class was that, the color contrast isn't great enough to convey the meaning I wanted to. So I thought about making the front even "grey-er" and the inside even more colorful with contrasting/complementary bright colors. However, with even more thought, I realised, it's a christmas card! don't think many will be excited to see a dull card cover or even buy it off the shelf. You wouldn't be attracted to it to even take it off the shelf, right?

Sighhhh. I think I'm changing my concept. Till later then!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Assignment 4 - POSTER DESIGN

This is my poster design. We're supposed to work on a poster with the theme SAVE/PREVENT. I've decided on Prevent Breast Cancer/SAVE YOUR BREASTS. I researched on different type of posters online, and what I realy liked were simple, minimal posters. And I thought, such a style would work for something sensitive like Breast cancer. Often, too much detail or too abstract design tend to either turn people off, or not get the message across effectively. So, I worked around using the silohuette of a female body, with emphasis on the breasts (as seen, it's in darker grey). Similarly, I used a darker shade of pink for the words "breasts" in the title.
For the text, I decided to place it to the left, as readers' eye movement usually start from the left and this would aid reading. Putting it in the middle captures attention as well.
So above was the design I presented in class. Received quite positive comments, cos it's simple and it gets the message across quite immediately. Only one thing, that the copy text and title could be shifted slightly more to the right, so that there's more breathing space on the left. Will try post my edited copy soon.